4 Ways To Bond With Your Extended Family Members

4 Ways To Bond With Your Extended Family Members

Family is the cornerstone of our lives, but in today’s hurried world, we often find ourselves drifting apart from our extended relatives. These relationships are as meaningful as any other and maintaining them requires nurturing. Learn some of the best ways to bond with your extended family members. 

Communicate More Often

Strive to stay in touch with your relatives, even if it’s just a quick phone call or text message. A simple call to ask how their day was can bring you closer. It shows that you care about their lives outside of family gatherings. 

Technology comes to your rescue if physical distance is an issue! Setting up regular video calls keeps you connected despite the miles between you. You could also occasionally send greeting cards with a handwritten note inside to show the relative they’re on your mind. 

Remember, it’s the thought that counts.

Plan Days Out

Planning outings together is a great way to bond with your extended family members. These outings could be simple activities like park picnics, museum visits, or hiking trips. The idea is to spend quality time together, away from the distractions of daily life. 

As you begin planning, involve the entire family in deciding on the activity to make sure everyone feels included. Likewise, you can trade off on who sets up the next outing, so all the pressure doesn’t fall on one person’s shoulders. Moments like this help you all build shared memories and offer chances to discover each other’s passions and pastimes.

Host Nights In

Having nights in can be equally rewarding if going out isn’t possible or preferred. You could organize a movie night, game night, or even a DIY craft session. Consider hosting a chocolate-tasting party if you come from a family of sweet-loving foodies; everyone can bring their favorite types of chocolate to share and try. These tastings are not only fun, but they also provide opportunities for conversations that strengthen relationships.

Spending a night in offers a relaxed environment for everyone to unwind and enjoy each other’s company. Plus, you don’t have to worry about rushing home or dealing with the added expenses of going out.

Attend Family Gatherings

Family gatherings are the perfect opportunity to reconnect with extended family members. Try to attend family events as often as possible whether it’s a holiday celebration, a birthday party, or an annual family reunion. They provide a platform for everyone to catch up, share news, and build stronger bonds. You could always start it if big gatherings aren’t a tradition in your family!

Bonding with extended family members doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s all about making a conscious effort to stay connected, showing genuine interest in their lives, and creating opportunities to spend quality time together. 

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