For Dads
Understanding Oral Fixations in Children and Why It Matters
Understand oral fixations in children, their causes, potential impacts, and effective strategies to address persistent habits for healthy development.
The Best Age for a Child’s First Smartphone
In today’s digital age, children are often familiar with smartphones, tablets, and other wireless devices. Learn the best age for a child’s first smartphone.
How To Create an Autism-Friendly Playroom
If you have a child with autism, you won’t want to miss this article. You’ll learn how to create an autism-friendly playroom that you and your child will love.
Community Service Ideas That Are Appropriate for Children
Here are six community service ideas that are appropriate for children. These ideas are great for kids who want to give back to their community and help others.
5 Ways To Help Your Kid Prepare for a Gymnastics Meet
Your young gymnast will want to be their best when performance time arrives. Discover the five ways to help your kid prepare for a gymnastics meet.
3 Fun Vegetable Stamping Projects for Kids
One way to help your kids eat vegetables is to make their vegetables fun. Doing crafts with vegetables, such as stamping, can inspire kids to adore veggies.
How To Choose the Best Sport for Your Child
Choosing the best sport for your child may come down to factors ranging from the sports’ costs to the child’s preferences and physical makeup.
5 Ways That Fathers Help Prevent Teen Dating Violence
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, making it the perfect time to have a conversation about what it is ...
How Urinary Symptoms May Lead Men to Avoid Activities
Men with urinary symptoms common with an enlarged prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH, may anticipate and ...
5 Ways Kids are Impacted When Dad’s Not Involved
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, around 22 million children have a parent who does not live in the household. ...